🌳 Skillforest

⚠️ Disclaimer: The address is subject to change and what's written here right now is intended to come true, not be true. Think "documentation-first" development strategy.

The reason it's published at all is because there is finally an implementation plan for it that might work and enough people seemed interested in the idea.

âť” Result

A requirement is a type of link between a topic and a source that tells Skillforest that marking the source as read you assert that you know the associated topic.

Many sources, especially those written specifically for use with Skillforest, only cover a single topic and thus only include one result. This is intentional, it helps people go through only the information they need in the moment without wasting time on topics they might need later.

However, sources can’t always be cleanly broken down into to individual topics without making them hard to identify. References to specific paragraphs of the chapter would be difficult to later follow. So

💬 I’ve heard objections from some educators on this before, on how this tool must then be getting in the way of seeing “the bigger picture”.

And it does tend to be a problem when considering more traditional learning materials, like books, courses and how-to articles that either attempt at covering a practical subset of topics for a reasonably wide range of applications or only cover what’s actually used in the example.

Here, however, I do not believe that is the case for one rather simple reason: a source would rarely be used on its own. Instead, it would likely be encountered on the way to something else. And Skillforest makes sure the small pictures eventually form a bigger one with no blanks. That’s the intention anyway. But it heavily relies on the quality of sources to function well.

Requirements: Topic, Source
Results: Result